IndyTek offers remote desktop and IT Support
If you are working from home during this time of COVID 19 crisis we can assist with issues that you may have with your connectivity to the Internet, issues with your computer or connections to your office via VPN.
Please email us [email protected] to discuss any issue that you may need assistance with.
If you are working from home during this time of COVID 19 crisis we can assist with issues that you may have with your connectivity to the Internet, issues with your computer or connections to your office via VPN.
Please email us [email protected] to discuss any issue that you may need assistance with.
Solutions and Support for Small Business
Devoted to helping customers solve their networking and computer needs, our team of IT professionals combines over twenty years of in the trenches technology and management experience to provide you with the best solution for your business needs.
Solutions are tailored to meet your budget as well as provide technology advances that can benefit your company by reducing the need for increased staff.
Contact Information
Click Here
Phone - 317-590-5528